Stanton Manor Hotel Wedding // Kayleigh & Chris

This feels a bit – weird, for lack of a better word. This is the first time I’ve done a blog in forever.

Well, maybe forever is an overstatement but it’s been an age.

There are a few reasons for this shoddy, sporadic display and whilst I’d love to just slap all the blame on Covid. It’s really been more my mindset. You see, Covid and the postponements and such, caused the lil’ fuse in my brain to blow. I was overwhelmed and wanting very little to do with the wedding industry in truth.

Not to say I didn’t give everything to the couples I had but it would be a lie if I said I actually wanted to book any more weddings.

Thank fuck that changed.

Along the way of me getting back on my horse, at least mentally, I shot the wedding of Kayleigh & Chris and apart from them being absolutely bloody amazing people to hang out with who gave me nothing but love (legends) they’re wholly responsible for the birth of the Hawaiian shirt era I’m not totally engaged in. (shit pun not intentional.)

I also appreciate, now I’m several paragraphs in, I haven’t really talked about their wedding or the venue or anything…

Truth be told. It was genuinely fucking amazing. Stanton Manor is a great place for a wedding – the bar inside had this awesome lil’ charm to it – the pizza in the evening was sunk in about 30 seconds as I recall cos’ it was so damn good!

Honestly, great vibe to the entire day, truly and for me, after hanging out with these guys till the wee hours, a damn good reason to get fired up and passionate about wedding photography again…

Here are some of my favourite frames from their day.

Find out more about the venue here: